Wrangell and the Mysterious Petroglyphs

Wrangell and the Mysterious Petroglyphs

June 2, 2018 2 By Jamie

We arrived in Wrangell on a delightfully sunny afternoon.

As we entered the channel behind the breakwater to tie up in Heritage Harbor, a bit south of downtown Wrangell, a new blend of avian sentinels was immediately noticeable compared with the usual marine birds hanging around harbors closer to home: bald eagles and ravens perched like ornaments on the sturdy day marks and pilings with not a seagull in sight. More on the local conspiracy of ravens in town to follow in a future post…

Heritage Harbor in Wrangell, AK

Making a living in the multihull world has kept Matthew well-connected to fellow boaters in our cruising grounds and this town was no exception. A pair of fellow catamariners who now call Wrangell home have generously offered use of their pick-up truck and we accepted their gracious offer to run a couple errands in town. Along the way, we stopped to explore the mystery of the historic Petroglyph Beach State Park. This was well worth the effort to get across town.

Much like living museum, petroglyphs can be easily discovered peppered across the intertidal zone.





Their purpose is shrouded in mystery but their beauty is indisputable.

Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footsteps